Perhaps you are thinking create a virus is very difficult. Requiring coding skills or at least mastered one of the popular programming lang...

Perhaps you are thinking create a virus is very difficult. Requiring coding skills or at least mastered one of the popular programming languages such as VB or C + +. But, if you have a Virus Generator, You can be done as quickly create instant noodle. Just click and click, then a virus easily created.

Virus generator widely spread in the various options. You can find it in the forums or underground sites. Although the viruses created can be made easily, but you can not underestimate the toughness. Some well-known viruses in the world many are made with this generator virus.

Here are some viruses that are quite popular generators you can try to make the virus easily:

1. In Shadow Batch Virus Generator 
- Infects a variety of popular file extensions
- Activate the virus when it starts up
- Turn off the various processes and essential services
- Changing the file extension and spread through file sharing
- Create a new administrator account, change the administrator password.
- Turn off automatic computer, download the files automatically, etc.

Download In the Shadow Batch Virus Generator

2. JPS Virus Maker
- Turn off regedit, task manager, MS Config and diverse applications that endanger the survival of the virus.
- Turn off anti-virus, WordPad, notepad, command prompt, etc.
- Hide drives, files, and the important buttons such as Shutdown, restart, logoff, etc.
- Turn off the monitor, play a mouser, open the CD drive, etc.

Download JPS Virus Maker

3. Terabit Virus Maker

Have different capabilities such as two generators in the above virus.

Download terabit virus maker

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