SecurityTube Metasploit Framework Expert Certification Launched !

Not so long ago, we had posted the launch of the SecurityTube Wi-Fi Security Expert (SWSE) program. The certification has been a success a...

Not so long ago, we had posted the launch of the SecurityTube Wi-Fi Security Expert (SWSE) program. The certification has been a success and it has students from over 25+ countries from around the world. The SecurityTube Metasploit Framework Expert (SMFE) is an online certification on the Metasploit Framework. This course is ideal for penetration testers, security enthusiasts and network administrators. The course leading to the certification exam is entirely practical and hands-on in nature. The final certification exam is fully practical as well and tests the student's ability to think out of the box and is based on the application of knowledge in practical real life scenarios.
A brief list of topics to be covered in this course includes:
  • Metasploit Basics and Framework Organization
  • Server and Client Side Exploitation
  • Meterpreter - Extensions and Scripting
  • Database Integration and Automated Exploitation
  • Post Exploitation Kung-Fu - Exploring the system, Privilege escalation, Log deletion and AV / Firewall bypass
  • Token stealing and impersonation, Backdoors and Rootkits, Pivoting and Port forwarding, Railgun and Custom Scripting, Backdoor an Executable
  • Ruby Primer for Hackers
  • Writing Metasploit Modules - Auxiliary and Exploit
  • Exploit research with Metasploit- Buffer Overlows, SEH, DEP Bypass, Return Oriented Programming
  • Social Engineering Toolkit (SET) and Armitage
  • Scenario Based Hacking using Metasploit
The best part if it has a Ruby primer and talks about all the advanced stuff like scripting with Metasploit and Exploit Research. If I go by what we have seen in the SWSE, I am sure the SMFE will be awesome as well! 

A new addition in the SMFE is the "Live Labs" which can be accessed over VPN. This will allow students to access a lab environment with machines with different OSs like Windows XP, Vista, 7, Server 2008, Linux, Unix, BSD etc. These Labs will host scenarios which contain network configurations with routers, firewalls, IDS, IPS etc. which the students will need to attack and break into. 

The price tag for the first 25 students is only $200 for the certification and an additional $150 for 30 days of the Lab access. In my mind, this is a really great deal. 

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