Anonymous-OS is fake, ‘wrapped in trojans’
When we found out about Anymous-OS, we had our suspicions that it might not actually be from everyone’s hacktivist group. The worse-than-...

When we found out about Anymous-OS, we had our suspicions that it might not actually be from everyone’s hacktivist group.
The worse-than-usual English was one warning sign. The warning directing users not to attack any websites was another. A warning from The Hacker News that “the OS “is not developed by any Genuine Source, can be backdoored OS by any Law enforcement Company or Hacker” didn’t help either.
Now one of Anonymous’ official Twitter accounts has rubbished the legitimacy of the OS, adding that it was “wrapped in Trojans”.
The #anonops on their twitter account say “That Anonymous-OS is wrapped in trojans.”
Please people… in our world, in Linux and opensource world, there is not virus.
If any user believe that Anonymous-OS “is wrapped in trojans” or “backdoored OS by any Law enforcement Company or Hacker” please don’t download it!
But don’t mislead the world that Linux is dangerous and has trojans!
Since going live, the OS has reportedly been downloaded over 21 000 times.
The Tumblr blog associated with the OS claimed that it was created “for educational purposes, to checking the security of web pages”.
If you were happy you didn’t download the OS when it first came out, you should be ecstatic now that you know it ‘s a Trojan-infested pretender.