BackTrack 5 R2 Released,Upgraded with new Tools n New Kernel
Hacker are your Ready ? Backtrack 5 R2 finally released with bug fixes, upgrades, and the addition of 42 new tools. With the best cust...
Hacker are your Ready ? Backtrack 5 R2 finally released with bug fixes, upgrades, and the addition of 42 new tools. With the best custom-built 3.2.6 kernel, the best wireless support available at maximum speed. This release have included Metasploit 4.2.0 Community Edition, version 3.0 of the Social Engineer Toolkit, BeEF, and many other tool upgrades.
Backtrack also added the following new tools to R2:
- arduino
- bluelog
- bt-audit
- dirb
- dnschef
- dpscan
- easy-creds
- extundelete
- findmyhash
Along with this, Backtrack added Wiki about Building a Pyrit
Cluster, Creating a John the Ripper Cluster, Enabling PAE in BT5 R2
and Installing VMware Player on there page Read Here
Download Backtrack 5 R2
Download Backtrack 5 R2