Fully automated homes
Fully automated homes Buildings everywhere are becoming highly automated, self-sufficient and organised. In addition to robots and other...

Fully automated homes
Buildings everywhere are becoming highly automated, self-sufficient and organised. In addition to robots and other established features, a typical new build now includes the following:
A localised power supply. Energy can be generated by the building itself, via a combination of photovoltaics and piezoelectric materials. Walls, roofs and windows can absorb almost all wavelengths of light from the Sun with organic solar technology, turning it into heat and electricity. Friction generated by the occupant's footsteps - together with various other kinetic processes - can also produce energy. This is converted and stored in any number of ways, from hydrogen to batteries. In countries where sunlight is less frequent, microturbines may be used in place of solar. In any case, fusion power is usually available as a substitute.
On-site water production and waste management. Rain is captured by external guttering, then stored and converted into drinking water using nanotech filters. This is especially useful in areas that are prone to drought (which includes a substantial portion of the world by this time). If local water is in short supply, houses can serve as miniature reservoirs and filtration systems. Meanwhile, plastics and other kitchen waste can be placed in recycling machines and ground into powder for re-use in nanofabricators.
A multi-layered building envelope which provides a variety of dynamic effects. Windows can self-adjust their size and position - as well as their opacity - to optimise the level of natural light. In some of the more upmarket properties, the entire façade can morph its texture and appearance through the use of claytronics. Depending on the tastes of the occupant, this could transform into an art deco style, a classic Victorian building, or something entirely different. This form of "programmable matter" can even be designed by the occupant themselves and changed on demand.
Interactive surfaces. Holographic generators cover the whole interior of the property – including walls, doors, worktop surfaces, mirrors and shower cubicles. These intelligent surfaces can track the position of the occupant and display information whenever and wherever necessary. A person can read emails, see news reports and access the online world using virtually any surface in the house as a touch screen or mind control interface.* Detailed, real-time information on their health, personal lifestyle and daily schedules can also be displayed. This system can also be used to instantly locate personal items which may have been misplaced.
Intelligent/self-maintaining appliances. Appliances that don't repair or maintain themselves in some way have become largely obsolete by now. It is very rare for a human engineer to be needed.
A modest size. The world is becoming an ever more crowded place, with available land continuing to shrink due to overpopulation and environmental decline. In city centres, apartments tend to be highly minimalist and compact, with small footprints and interiors that utilise every inch of space. Full immersion virtual reality is one method of adapting to this problem. However, another is with "flexible" room layouts that reconfigure themselves on demand. In earlier decades, this was achieved manually, using a sliding wall system.* Today, it can be done remotely and automatically - using a combination of mind control interfaces, claytronics and magnetic panels.