How to Hack Email,Facebook Accounts using Sniperspy

  • How To use Sniperspy to hack email passwords ?, 
  • Is Sniperspy The Best Remote spying software ?
  • Will Sniperspy get detected By Av's ? 

This Tutorial is a  Step by Step tutorial on How to use Sniperspy To Hack Email Accounts  In the following post i will explain all the things that you need to Know about Sniperspy Hope you Like it

What Is A Keylogger ?
So let me explain Keylogger in simple words first, Its a piece of software that is installed on a computer you want to monitor / hack , It basically records all the keystrokes typed by the victim and sends them to the hacker  some advanced key loggers even take screen shots , Record chats ..etc. No doubt, these keystrokes will contain the victim’s Email passwords, Thus a hacker can have complete control over the victims Email accounts Face book accounts and other credential data  To know more about keyloggers please read my post on What are Keyloggers

Why Sniperspy ?
Today there are plenty of Keyloggers out there in the market thus making Newbies get confused on which one to buy, Most keyloggers Lack the remote Instillation feature which could be very vital in cases where you don't have physical access to the victims computer.

Sniperspy eliminates the need for Physical Access Not only that it has some of most advanced features such as live Monitoring , bypass Firewalls, Record Scree shots etc. It has its own server where all the victim logs get stored thus eliminating the need of third party Email Accounts Or FTP Accounts , People who have already used keyloggers will know the use of this, usually ordinary key loggers use GMail or ymail for Receiving logs lately GMail have started banning email accounts which are being used for receiving key logs

To know more about Sniperspy and its features Please read my complete Review From the following link

SniperSpy - Best Remote Spy Software

How To Get A Copy Of SniperSpy

You can get a copy of sniperspy from the following links

You can choose the number of months, best would be to Select  3 months as its cheap and with in this period of time we can easily hack our victims Email ,Face book accounts etc

How Can I Monitor Multiple Computers
You can Monitor one computer with one Licence.  If you want to monitor another computer you will have to purchase an another licence, You can Purchase extra licences from the following links

How To Hack Email Accounts Using Sniperspy

1. After purchasing a copy of SniperSpy, You will instantly receive a mail from Sniperspy which will contain Your User name /Password and a link to download the Module Creator program

2. Download the Module Creator program from the link you received via Email

3. Run the module creator program and enter your User name/Password into the fields. Then follow the screens to adjust the settings to your needs. Once the module wizard is finished, your server module EXE file will be created in the location and name you selected.

4. To Avoid Suspicion You can drop the Module  into a Word document, Word pad or Works document, or even a ZIP file.

5. To deploy the module on the Victims PC, You can attach the exe file to a regular email services such as Gmail and send it to the Victim
Note :- If your not able to attach the file, Please compress the file using Winrar or Win zip

6.  Now when  the module (server file ) is executed on Victims PC , He will only see the document you attached, The server file will  install silently

7.  After the module is executed, activity will begin recording immediately. After activity starts recording it will then be uploaded to your personal SniperSpy web space.

8.  Now loginto your online account  to view any recorded activity, Logs are updated every six minutes 

Will Sniperspy get detected by Av's ?

Usually Sniperspy will not be detected by common Av's. But lately they have been detected as virus by Mcafee, But you need not worry. You can easily bypass any AV by encrypting them using crypters ,To Know more about Bypassing techniques Please read my tutorial on How to Bypass AVs using Crypters

What Are The Other Alternatives To Sniperspy ?
Frankly speaking there are some other alternatives to Sniperspy They are realtimespy and Win spy if your looking for a cheaper solution, I suggest you to go with win spy but  nothing is compared to Sniperspy's service and  Features

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