Indian Government Promises to Issue National Cyber Security Policy Soon
Indian government officials say they’re determined to take serious measures in an effort to tackle cybercrime. They promise that the National Cyber Security Policy will be issued in the upcoming period.
In the meantime, according to a statement published today by the country’s National Informatics Center (NIC), the government will take various measures to “ensure necessary awareness and robust security system in all the critical Government agencies.”
These measures include computer security policies, standard operating procedures and guidelines that ministries and departments will implement.
In addition, security auditing of all IT infrastructures, including websites, will be conducted periodically. To make sure that government sites are not breached by hackers, NIC will not host any websites before auditing them.
Other measures include crisis management plans for countering cyberattacks and cyber-terrorism, an amendment to the IT Act of 2008, and the issuing of alerts by the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team.