Some Google searches can amuse you
Google is a big search engines,used by Millions of people resulting billions of page view per months.Whenever there is a festival,begin...

Google is a big search engines,used by Millions of people resulting billions of page view per months.Whenever there is a festival,beginning of holidays or some kind of special event,Google tries to make it more special in its own way.It either displays a Google Doodle on that day or present a surprise with some keywords search.(Also read-Top 10 Google searches of year 2011)
So this is the December,Christmas is near and there are some searches doing which you can have little fun with the search engine(Just highlight the text,right click and click on search Google for and do not forget to comment below the post).
1.Search for tilt-Search for the word tilt and you will notice that the’s page will tilt toward the right side a bit.

2.Search for Do a barrel roll-Searching for the line do a barrel roll will roll the entire’s page once.

3.Search for let it snow-Search for the line let it snow and small snowflakes will smart falling on the entire page making it go frost .You can hold the left button of your mouse and drag it to clear the screen,write something like you do on a mirror with water vapors on it.If you are done with the fun click on defrost and you will get your search results back.You can even share it with your friends on Google+.

Click on Defrost to get back to results page.